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GreenTech and Diversity - BlackinTech Berlin @TomTom

GreenTech is taking over the world with alternative solutions to reduce carbon emissions. Investors have seen the potential of the sector and are putting in the required funding to accelerate product and research development. Globally new investments in the renewable energy sector were recorded at $211.4 billion through the third quarter of 2018.

But here is an important question - where is the diversity in ideation and investment?

Like other sectors in tech, the GreenTech sector is very exclusive in terms of gender and race and if it is going to be as impactful as the "dot com era" It has to be different than what we know. In this meetup, our speakers who are founders and advisors in the sector will share opportunities, challenges and what lies ahead for their ideas and encourage us to not be left behind.

Our Speakers:

- Linda Ochwada has been working in Berlin as a GeoData Scientist and recently launched AfroAI a Berlin-based consulting company specialised in Data Science Consulting, Geospatial Science and Research.

- Rama Nanjundaiah is the CEO of Phantasma Labs where they are building simulations for self-driving cars, with the hope to enable autonomous cars to understand humans better.

- Nicole Blake works at TomTom as an Agile Coach and Diversity and Inclusion representative for the company in Berlin. She has been a champion for diversity since her college years and with her responsibility at TomTom with Diversity, she will share with us, what they are doing as a company in this area.

More speakers coming soon!!

Our Host :

TomTom is the leading global provider of location products and services. Using big data combined with machine learning and computer vision techniques, TomTom is changing the way we get around the world. As a multinational company, TomTom recognizes the value of diversity and inclusion and has made it a priority through various initiatives. We are delighted to be invited and hosted by the Berlin team.

Come prepared to interact and take some ideas home with you.

See you there.

September 12

Data Privacy in HR - Women in Data Berlin @Delivery Hero

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African Women in Tech Week Germany