The state of Women and Me
Women everywhere are speaking up against various issues affecting them and it’s about time we start to listen to what they are saying and actually DO something about it.
Choose To Experience This Decade
Dont count the years, rather look at all the experiences you are having and ask yourself if you should press repeat or next. Years are numbers, but if you look closely those numbers have a story and that’s where life begins. Enjoy the journey.
How to win the 21st-century job search challenge?
In March this year, I had the privilege to share my insights on how to build an authentic Personal Brand as a means to drive a meaningful and successful career at Udacity Accelerate Berlin. One question that remained prevalent, after my talk with participants still on the job hunt on this day and in other engagements I have been a part of was “ Still, How do I get a job?”. Due to time and context, it’s never possible to give individual guidance, however with this post I hope to answer this question in more detail.
A Mid Year Work-Life Review
My summer vacation has come to an end, I am writing from the heart of Africa, the Democratic Republic of Congo and the year 2020 is on the horizon. What a time. A time for reflection. I recently saw a quote on Jay Shetty's IG profile reading "You are the CEO of your life. Hire, fire and promote accordingly." One person added in the comments — "Don't forget to give yourself a bonus." The quote resonated with me on so many levels as the appointed CEO of my life and I believe one could add more elements to the to-do list.
In line with that here are a few lessons I have learned over the past six months that I hope can help you also evaluate and restructure the work you do.